A Sonova brand

The digital age is here, and Unitron is ready with our online hearing screening tool - the eScreener. The  eScreener is a customizeable online hearing test that can be integrated into your hearing clinic website or campaign. We’ve created a suite of tools to drive traffic to your eScreener, generating qualified leads for your clinic.

Introducing: Unitron's hearing eScreener program

Ready to take the next step in growth for your clinic with the eScreener program? 
Contact your Business Solutions Manager, today!

With 43% of seniors turning to Facebook for information about healthcare, clinic presence on this social media platform is more important than ever.

Let us do the heavy lifting! Enjoy complimentary use of our social media platform, Promoboxx, and we will cover the  management and optimization of our eScreener Facebook ad campaign - all you have to do is set up your account!

Community partnerships continue to carry significant importance in marketing. We've developed fully customizeable posters for your clinic with a custom QR code that drives leads directly to your eScreener. 

Hang this poster in physician's offices, churches, dentist offices, pharmacies - pique interest in people in their daily lives - they can scan the code and take the test in any quiet environment.

Improve your SEO
"Online hearing test" is a highly searched term on google, and the eScreener was developed to fill that need! 
Simple set up
No programming skills or software downloads are needed to deploy your hearing screener
Generate new leads
Capture users who are not ready to come in for an assessment, are unsure if they have hearing loss, or have accessibility issues with leads delivered straight to your inbox.
Lead nurturing insights
Test results can help determine strategy for lead nuturing - engaging users to turn them into clients.
Simple set up and easy to customize with your clinic branding

Generating and converting qualified eScreener leads

On its own, the eScreener is not an effective lead gen tool; the power is in promoting it through marketing and nurturing the resulting leads - and we've got you covered! Reach out to your Business Solutions Manager for more information or to let them know which pieces you're interested in!

In order to convert promising leads to loyal customers, you need to develop, build, and nurture trusting relationships through consistent and personalized marketing efforts. 

We’ve developed coaching tools and scripts to assist your front office staff in maximizing the opportunities from the leads you’ve generated and converting those users into patients.

Discover the benefits of the eScreener

Easy-to-execute, turnkey Facebook ad campaign

Continue to leverage professional partnerships

Front office lead nurturing package